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Knock, knock

Race Details

  • Wind:
  • Course: 6S-3-6-15F
  • Temperature: °C
  • RaceQs Link:
  • Results Link: Visit
Course Map


  1. Bowman: Squirrel
  2. Mastman: null
  3. Understudy: null
  4. Pit: Lazy Sheet
  5. Foresail Trimmer: DaveH
  6. Mainsail Trimmer: Gadget
  7. Helm: StarPort

Who’s there?

Well, everyone except Sandpiper!

Gorgeous night on the water — warm, soft humidity, moderate changeable breeze and a pastel sky.  And it was the first night with our new toys.  Check out the video for the hardware in action, some really crisp maneuvers and nature’s display

Our start was great, and we were flying out of the gates with great boat speed.  After that, somehow the decisions went against us.  Battlewagon and Big Yellow chose to tack over to the Burlington shore early in the beat, while we pressed on to the Hamilton shore with Eclipse.  By the time we crossed, our rivals were so far ahead as to be beyond reach.

And as we approached the windward mark, the swirly air around the west end of the bay seemed to conspire against us, conceding ground first to Eclipse, and then ultimately to Sandpiper.  But once we hoisted our Spinnaker, we quickly overtook Sandpiper and then closed some of the distance on the others…but not enough to reach them.

And that’s how it goes some times.  Never mind, it was great to stop working and get out in the fresh air with good friends.  The new gear looks great and feels crisp, and apres sail we collected our laurels from the spring series.

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